Grove Communities
We are thankful that you are actively pursuing getting more involved at the Grove! We have some options for you to consider, please click on one of the links below and see if there could be a fit for you. If you would like to talk with someone please email Ryan Arneson at
Grove Small Groups
Grove Sunday school
When: Sunday mornings at 9:00am
Where: Staff Office
Contact Info: Dylan Scandlyn 865-603-7088
When: Sunday mornings at 8:30am
Where: Portable #1
Contact Info: Sammy Jones 803-227-9074
Join GroupMe
When: Sunday mornings at 9:00 am
Where: Portable #2
Contact Info: Wade Creswell 865-770-9958
When: Sunday mornings at 9:00 am
Where: Executive Office
Contact Info: David Harper 865-356-3169 or Tommy Sircy 615-686-9707
When: Sunday mornings at 9:00 am
Where: Grove Kids Elementary Room
Contact Info: Riley Clem
Wednesday Nights
Wednesday Night Connect is open for anyone and our goal is 3-fold
CONNECT with God and His word
CONNECT with each other
CONNECT with the Church
We are currently going through 1 Peter. This is an interactive time together in God’s word and a great opportunity to get to know other people in the Church, as well as learning more about what is going on at the Grove and how to get involved in our community.
When: Wednesday Nights @ 6:30pm March 20th – May 8th
Where: The Worship Center
Contact Info: Ryan Arneson
Grove specialized groups & ministries

Arrows in the Sky
A ministry born out of tears. The expecting and birth of children, is some of the most exciting times in the lives of parents. However, sometimes the excitement turns to sorrow when our new little one is born into heaven. Arrows in the sky ministry walks with parents during these very difficult days to find joy, hope, and healing.

Celebrate Recovery
A Christ centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone who is struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. Celebrate recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our lives. Meeting times are Monday at 6:00. Food and childcare provided.

college / young adults
Worship service for college students and young adults. We meet every Thursday at 6:30pm in the Student Room at The Grove Church.

Divorce Care

Grove Youth
The future generations are extremely important to the foundation of our church and country. We want to make sure that these young men and women are learning the importance of putting God first in their lives and how important it is to have Godly people by their sides as well.

Grove Kids
Exists to provide an inviting, fun, safe environment where children from birth – 5th grade can learn foundational truths about God.

Church is a place that is warm and welcoming to all people and at all times. We put this team together just for that, so that there are constantly smiling and welcoming faces to all of our church friends and family.

International Missions
God called us to reach the uttermost parts of the world with the gospel, and our aim is to partner with individuals and organizations that are actively reaching their local areas through church planting, orphan prevention, gospel awareness, leadership training, construction, and disciple making.

Joy Group
50+, striving to serve all 50+ adults in faith, encouraging and assisting their growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We take trips and spend time with other believers of all ages. We motivate seniors to serve the lord through volunteering in the church and the community.

The first area of responsibility is our local community that we live, work, and play in. We serve our area through random acts of kindness, community outreach, and partnering with local organizations that provide relief. We are very hands-on in the world of addiction, small home repair, and wheelchair ramps.

Media Team
The Media Team has a wide variety of responsibilities. During worship services or other large events, they run the sound board, ProPresenter, lights, and provide livestream services online each week. This team was created to make sure everything runs smoothly for each service so we can give the best experience possible.

Mens Ministry
Men’s group meet to study God’s word and fellowship together, to become Godly men. Every other week this group gets together for men’s breakfast, great fellowship with each other, and a great bible study. Contact Sammy Jones to learn more about Mens Ministry and the work God has called them to do.

Mom Life
Gospel-centered ministry for mothers of all ages. We meet on Friday’s from 9:30am – 11:30am in The Grove youth room.

Prison Ministry
We want to extend the love of Christ to all places and we believe that the life changing love of God can be of big importance to the people in Morgan County Correctional Facility. We not only speak the word of God to them but fellowship with them by playing different sports and games throughout our visit.

Fellowship with people you are close to is important and we put great importance on small groups here at The Grove. Throughout the week we have many groups that meet for bible study and great fellowship that helps you grow in Christ with great people.

Sunday school
Fellowship with people you are close to is important and we put great importance on Sunday School here at The Grove. Every Sunday morning we have different classes you can choose from. Sunday School starts at 9:00AM

Veterans Group
The veterans group supports other veterans with any issue they are facing and any needs that may arise within their families. They meet as a small group doing bible studies, and fellowshipping with each other.

Water Angels
Water Angel Ministries is a Christian outreach ministry to the homeless and at-risk in Knoxville. We also have targeted ministries that reach out to addicted men and women, and a special kids outreach called Shining Star.

Womens ministry
We are saved by grace for good works, we want to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Roane County. Loving women through bible study, community outreach, and serving where needed.

Worship Team
Worship is honor and adoration directed to God. As a group of musically talented and spiritually called individuals, our Worship Team uses their gifts to practice, prepare, plan, and participate in leading attendants and guests in corporate worship.