This Sunday, August 4th, we will go back to two services! First service begins at 8:30am and second service begins at 10:15am. And don't forget about Sunday School at 9:00am!
Join us for our Fall Kick-Off on August 14th at 7pm! This is an event for all ages! We will have food and fellowship. Make plans to celebrate with us. 1168 Lawnville Rd. Kingston, TN 37763
• Kings & Prophets…A Divided Heart..A Divided Nation All levels WELCOME!! • Part 1: August 21 - October 30, 2024 • Childcare is Provided • Discussion Group 6:30-7:30 in-person (Behind the Stage) 7:30-8:30 for those that can stay to listen to the video or you can watch it at home